Online gaming gst tax calculator
Total Amount after Deducting GST Tax is around
Total Amount of GST Tax Deducted is around
On which platform this gst tax calculator works ?
This online gaming gst tax calculator works for all registered platforms such as dream11, Myteam11, MPL, Paytm first , rummy, My11circle etc. Using dream11 then check about discount points where 100% GST can save.How to use this gst tax calculator ?
- Enter amount which you will add on gaming platform.
- Currently GST tax percentage on online gaming is 28%. Leave it.
- Click on Calculate button.
- That’s it ! Approximately Total Amount will show which will reflects in online gaming platform account after deduct gst.
What is online gaming 28 gst tax ?
Recently government of India started to take 28% GST on online gaming platforms. This tax will paid from customer side. So when we add money on gaming platform. Platform will deduct 28% GST and pay to government.
Suppose we’re adding Rs.1000 in fantasy account at dream11. After deduct gst tax, It will be Rs.720. This amount will reflect in your gaming account.
What is online gaming gst tax calculator ?
Online gaming gst tax calculator is helps to calculate gst easily. It will show amount after deduct 28% gst. Before adding money on gaming platform. You can guess how much money will reflect.
How Online gaming gst tax calculator work ?
This mathematical formula uses Online gaming gst and you can calculate from this formula.
Total amount is Principle
Gaming GST tax rate is 28%
Load Amount = Principal – ((Principal * GST Rate * 1) / 100)